THC, THCA, and THCV are cannabinoids (CBD) products that are gotten from the marijuana or cannabis plant. All these cannabis products are entering the health and wellness market and many people have already heard of the benefits that they come with. When you use this product you can gain from the many benefits that come along with the product. These products are different and their uses are also different when you consume them even though they are extracted from the same cannabis plant. CBD is a chemical that is found in the marihuana plant and it has a complex molecular structure. 

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of the most prevalent cannabinoids that is found in the cannabis plant and it is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. THC also has many benefits such as preventing nausea and vomiting. The THC has been proven by researchers that it can be used to boost the efficacy of other anti-emetic drugs if it is used in combination. THC can also be used to stimulate the appetite for those patients suffering from AIDS and other conditions that decrease the appetite of a person. Another benefit of THC is that is can be used to reduce pain from injuries as well as chronic pains.  Here is more info about  thca.

THCA is an abbreviation of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and it is closely related to THC. It is produced before the THC is present in a cannabis plant and it can also be transformed into THC through the decarboxylation process where it is exposed to heat or sunlight for a long period. Just like THC the THCA has many effects as well as benefits. THCA is used by patients seeking relief from a variety of conditions without psychoactive effects. It can benefit the users who suffer from an inflammatory condition such as arthritis and lupus, nausea and appetite loss, inflammatory bowel diseases and some forms of cancer.  Click on  this link  for more info.

THCV stands for tetrahydrocannabivarin and it is the final compound that is found from the cannabinoids. It is found in very small quantities in most strains of cannabis and mostly you will find it in a combination of THC rather than isolation. Just like THC and THCA, THCV has a number of benefits. THCV can be used to dull the appetite which indicates that it can be used by consumers willing to lose weight. THCV can also be used to regulate diabetes by reducing insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar levels. THCV can also be used to stimulate the growth of newly born cells.  View here to learn more :